Best Contribution Awards
🏆 Best Abstract Award
Costas Kokke, Sensor Selection using the Two-Target Cramér-Rao Bound for Angle of Arrival Estimation
🏆 Best Show-and-Tell Demo Award
Jack Wells, SenseAI: Real-Time Inpainting for Electron Microscopy
Program at a Glance
Detailed Program (with video recordings)
Day 1: June 12
08:30 - 09:00 : Coffee Break
09:00 - 10:00 : Keynote 1
Nigel Browning, The Advantages of Inpainting for High-resolution, In-situ and Ultrafast Electron Microscopy, youtube link
10:00 - 10:15 : Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45 : FNR ambassador
10:45 - 12:45 : Session 1 (Electron Imaging) - Chair: Emmanuel Soubies, youtube link
Daniel Nicholls, Scan Coil Dynamics Simulation for Subsampled Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Vinith Kishore, Implicit Reconstructions from Deformed Projections for CryoET
Alex Robinson, In Silico Ptychography of Lithium-ion Cathode Materials from Sub-sampled 4-D STEM Data
Shengbo You, Magnetic Phase Imaging using Lorentz Near-field Electron Ptychography
12:45 - 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 : Keynote 2
Laura Waller, DiffuserCam: Multi-dimensional Lensless Imaging, youtube link
15:00 - 15:30 : Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:30 : Session 2 (Light Imaging) - Chair: Miguel Heredia Conde, youtube link
Abderrahim Halimi, Bayesian Based Unrolling for Reconstruction and Super-resolution of Single-Photon Lidar Systems
John Meshreki, Modelling Vignetting in Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy
Emmanuel Soubies, Optical Diffraction Tomography Meets Fluorescence Localization Microscopy
Alvaro Lopez Paredes, Practical Low-density Codes for PB-ToF Sensing
Day 2: June 13
08:30 - 09:00 : Coffee Break
09:00 - 10:00 : Keynote 3
Ayush Bhandari, Computational Sensing via Folding: Revisiting the Legacy of Shannon-Nyquist, Prony, Schoenberg, Pisarenko and Radon, youtube link
10:00 - 10:15 : Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45 : Spotlight
10:45 - 12:45 : Demo and Poster (see below for the full list) - Chair: Bhavani Shankar, youtube link poster, youtube link Demo
12:45 - 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 : Keynote 4
Ulugbek Kamilov, Plug-and-Play Models for Large-Scale Computational Imaging, youtube link
15:00 - 15:30 : Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:30 : Session 3 (Signal Processing and Deep Learning for Computational Sensing) - Chair: Laurent Jacques, youtube link
Remi Delogne, Signal Processing with Optical Quadratic Random Sketching
Mehrdad Yaghoobi, Self-Supervised Hyperspectral Inpainting with the Optimisation inspired Deep Neural Network Prior
Michele Jamrozik, Space Debris: Are Deep Learning-based Image Enhancements part of the Solution?
Ruiming Guo, Geometry Inference from Modulo Signal Space
Evening: Social Event
Day 3: June 14
08:30 - 09:00 : Coffee Break
09:00 - 10:00 : Keynote 5
Yves Wiaux, Optimisation and Deep Learning for Large-scale High-dynamic Range Computational Imaging in Radio Astronomy, youtube link
10:00 - 10:15 : Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45 : Research in SnT
10:45 - 12:45 : Session 4 (Astronomical and Biomedical Imaging) - Chair: Mehrdad Yaghoobi, youtube link
Sandrine Juillard, Astronomical High-contrast Imaging of Circumstellar Disks: Inverse-problem versus PCA-based Methods
Laurent Jacques, Interferometric Single-pixel Imaging with a Multicore Fiber
Yan Liu, Mechanical Artifacts in Optical Projection Tomography: Classification and Automatic Calibration
Simon Vary (Invited Talk), Low-rank plus sparse trajectory decomposition for direct exoplanet imaging
12:45 - 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 : Keynote 6
Fauzia Ahmad,
15:00 - 15:30 : Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:30 : Session 5 (RADAR and Remote Sensing) - Chair: Christer Larsson, youtube link
Gilles Monnoyer, Grid Hopping: Accelerating Direct Estimation Algorithms for Multistatic FMCW Radar
Costas Kokke, Sensor Selection using the Two-Target Cramér-Rao Bound for Angle of Arrival Estimation
Mohammad Alaee, Waveform Optimization for Weather Radar Systems
Gabriel Beltrão, Recent Developments in Contactless Monitoring Vital Signs Using Radar Devices
List of Platform Presentations
Abderrahim Halimi, Bayesian Based Unrolling for Reconstruction and Super-resolution of Single-Photon Lidar Systems
Alex Robinson, In Silico Ptychography of Lithium-ion Cathode Materials from Sub-sampled 4-D STEM Data
Alvaro Lopez Paredes, Practical Low-density Codes for PB-ToF Sensing
Costas Kokke, Sensor Selection using the Two-Target Cramér-Rao Bound for Angle of Arrival Estimation
Daniel Nicholls, Scan Coil Dynamics Simulation for Subsampled Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Emmanuel Soubies, Optical Diffraction Tomography Meets Fluorescence Localization Microscopy
Gabriel Beltrão, Recent Developments in Contactless Monitoring Vital Signs Using Radar Devices
Gilles Monnoyer, Grid Hopping: Accelerating Direct Estimation Algorithms for Multistatic FMCW Radar
John Meshreki, Modelling Vignetting in Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy
Laurent Jacques, Interferometric Single-pixel Imaging with a Multicore Fiber
Marco Chini, Unsupervised Urban Area Mapping using Optical and SAR Data Based on Cross-fusion Neural Networks
Mehrdad Yaghoobi, Self-Supervised Hyperspectral Inpainting with the Optimisation inspired Deep Neural Network Prior
Michele Jamrozik, Space Debris: Are Deep Learning-based Image Enhancements part of the Solution?
Mohammad Alaee, Waveform Optimization for Weather Radar Systems
Remi Delogne, Signal Processing with Optical Quadratic Random Sketching
Ruiming Guo, Iter-SIS: Robust Unlimited Sampling via Iterative Signal Sieving
Sandrine Juillard, Astronomical High-contrast Imaging of Circumstellar Disks: Inverse-problem versus PCA-based Methods
Vinith Kishore, Implicit Reconstructions from Deformed Projections for CryoET
Wenjie Mei, Set projection algorithms for blind ptychographic phase retrieval
Yan Liu, Mechanical Artifacts in Optical Projection Tomography: Classification and Automatic Calibration
List of Poster Presentations
Ahmed Murtada, Distributed Radar Imaging Based on Accelerated ADMM
Ajay Gunalan, Compressive Image Scanning Microscope
Anatole Moureaux, Neuromorphic Spintronics Simulated using an Unconventional Data-driven Thiele Equation Approach
Ayush Bhandari, Unlimited Sampling and Reconstruction in Phase Space
Carl Shneider, Impact of Disentanglement on Pruning Neural Networks
Daniel Nicholls, Considerations for Targeted Sampling Strategies for Cryo FIB-SEM Tomography
Marco Chini, Unsupervised Urban Area Mapping using Optical and SAR Data Based on Cross-fusion Neural Networks
Mary John, Robust and Efficient PAT Reconstruction Algorithms for Full-View and Limited-View
Nina Maria Gottschling, On Accuracy, Existence, Stability and Learning of Approximate Decoders for Ill-posed Inverse Problems
Ruiming Guo, Iter-SIS: Robust Unlimited Sampling via Iterative Signal Sieving
Wenjie Mei, Set projection algorithms for blind ptychographic phase retrieval
Wenyi Yan, High Dynamic Range Multi-channel modulo ADCs for Synthetic Aperture Radar
Yan Liu, Artifacts in Optical Projection Tomography Due to Refractive-Index Mismatch: Model and Correction
Yuan Liu, A Blender-based channel simulator for FMCW MIMO Radar
Zoe Broad, Subsampling Methods for Fast Electron Backscattered Diffraction Analysis
List of Show-and-Tell Demo Presentations
Faisal Ahmed, Towards Zero-power 3D Imaging: VLC-assisted Passive ToF Sensing
Jack Wells, SenseAI: Real-Time Inpainting for Electron Microscopy
Luis Perdigao, Accelerating Biological Microscopy Data Processing and Analysis with Okapi-EM and Redlionfish
Mohammad Alaee, Prototype Demonstrating the Co-existence of MIMO Radar and Communications
Thomas Feuillen, Unlimited Sampling Radar: a Real-Time End-to-End Demonstrator
Uday Kumar Singh, Online Targets Tracking in Indoor scene using Distributed mmWave Radar Sensors
Yuliang Zhu, Multi-Channel, Variable-Threshold Unlimited Sensing